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CSS Filters and IE7

Kevin Smith of centricle.com on changes to CSS filters in IE7

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Prototype based JavaScript tooltip

Ajaxian created tooltip library that is based on prototype.js

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Internet Explorer 7 Review

Alex Iskold, of Read/Write Web, on the new final IE 7 release

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Top 10 CSS Tutorials

There's a lot of really cool things that can be done using CSS and some of the following resources can be very helpful to inspire ideas and learn new technique

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Cleaning up code with semantic anchors

Faruk Ates of BiteSizeStandards.com on anchors - the a element is all too common when building websites

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Bubble Generator

Ajaxian on the gift of Web 2.0 has stepped up to the plate with TheBubbleGenerator

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Zebra Table Showdown

Making all tables on a page have striped ("Zebra") backgrounds (different coloring on every odd row).

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Don’t let so-called experts tell you what you should know about becoming a web designer

Stand Up For Your Rights! Eric Meyer tears back the curtain...

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